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Prevalence and severity of asthma, rhinoconjunctivitis and eczema in children from the Bangkok area: The Global Asthma Network (GAN) Phase I.

Photo by sharonmccutcheon from unsplash

BACKGROUND As noted in the reports of ISAAC phase I and III, allergic diseases are very common in Thailand, especially among younger children. OBJECTIVE The objectives of this project are… Click to show full abstract

BACKGROUND As noted in the reports of ISAAC phase I and III, allergic diseases are very common in Thailand, especially among younger children. OBJECTIVE The objectives of this project are to study the prevalence and severity of the most common allergic diseases. i.e. asthma, rhinoconjunctivitis and eczema among children living in Bangkok. METHODS A cross-sectional multi-centers survey using GAN Core questionnaires on asthma, rhinoconjunctivitis and eczema symptoms were completed by parents of children aged 6-7 years and children aged 13-14 years. RESULTS The total of 6,291 questionnaires were eligible for the analysis. The cumulative vs. 12-month period prevalence of the three conditions for all children were: 24.4% vs. 13.5% for wheezing, 51.1% vs. 43.6% for rhinitis and 15.8% vs. 14.2% for eczema, respectively. The period prevalence of wheezing for younger children (14.6%) was higher than for older children (12.5%). Prevalences of severe wheeze and exercise wheeze were more common among older children (2.9% and 14.8%). The 12-month prevalences of rhinitis (43.6%) and rhinoconjunctivitis (16.3%) were higher in both age groups. Eczema, as the same to the other conditions, occurred more frequently in both groups (period prevalence of 14.3% and 14.0%) comparing to ISAAC phase III. CONCLUSION Allergic conditions are very common diseases among children residing in Bangkok. There is an urgent need for an in-depth study to define epidemiological factors responsible for this increase.

Keywords: phase; rhinoconjunctivitis eczema; prevalence; asthma rhinoconjunctivitis; rhinoconjunctivitis

Journal Title: Asian Pacific journal of allergy and immunology
Year Published: 2018

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