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Projection background-oriented schlieren.

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A background-oriented schlieren (BOS) system is developed with two benefits over traditional BOS systems. First, the dot pattern required for BOS is projected onto a retroreflective background instead of being… Click to show full abstract

A background-oriented schlieren (BOS) system is developed with two benefits over traditional BOS systems. First, the dot pattern required for BOS is projected onto a retroreflective background instead of being painted/printed onto the material itself, allowing for on-the-fly updates to the size and distribution of the dot pattern. Second, a reference image is acquired for every flow image so that real-time BOS images can be displayed, and a flow-off reference image need not be acquired if the projected dot pattern is changed during a run for BOS signal optimization. The system can be made very compact, can be converted quickly to operate as a shadowgraph system, and can be integrated with polarization optics that reduce glare/reflections from wind tunnel windows.

Keywords: projection background; optics; oriented schlieren; dot pattern; background oriented

Journal Title: Applied optics
Year Published: 2022

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