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A taxonomy and rating system to measure situation awareness in resuscitation teams

Photo by randyfath from unsplash

Team SA involves a common perspective between two or more individuals regarding current environmental events, their meaning, and projected future status. Team SA has been theorized to be important for… Click to show full abstract

Team SA involves a common perspective between two or more individuals regarding current environmental events, their meaning, and projected future status. Team SA has been theorized to be important for resuscitation team effectiveness. Accordingly, multidimensional frameworks of observable behaviors relevant to resuscitation teams are needed to understand more deeply the nature of team SA, its implications for team effectiveness, and whether it can be trained. A seven-dimension team resuscitation SA framework was developed following a literature review and consensus process using a modified Delphi approach with a group of content experts. We applied a pre-post design within a day-long team training program involving four video-recorded simulated resuscitation events and 42 teams across Canada. The first and fourth events represented “pre” and “post” training events, respectively. Teams were scored on SA five times within each 15-minute event. Distractions were introduced to investigate whether SA scores would be affected. The current study provides initial construct validity evidence for a new measure of SA and explicates SA's role in resuscitation teams.

Keywords: team; resuscitation teams; rating system; measure; resuscitation; taxonomy rating

Journal Title: PLoS ONE
Year Published: 2018

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