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Circadian rhythms modulate the effect of eccentric exercise on rat soleus muscles

Photo by neom from unsplash

We investigated whether time-of-day dependent changes in the rat soleus (SOL) muscle size, after eccentric exercises, operate via the mechanistic target of rapamycin (mTOR) signaling pathway. For our first experiment,… Click to show full abstract

We investigated whether time-of-day dependent changes in the rat soleus (SOL) muscle size, after eccentric exercises, operate via the mechanistic target of rapamycin (mTOR) signaling pathway. For our first experiment, we assigned 9-week-old male Wistar rats randomly into four groups: light phase (zeitgeber time; ZT6) non-trained control, dark phase (ZT18) non-trained control, light phase-trained, and dark phase-trained. Trained animals performed 90 min of downhill running once every 3 d for 8 weeks. The second experiment involved dividing 9-week-old male Wistar rats to control and exercise groups. The latter were subjected to 15 min of downhill running at ZT6 and ZT18. The absolute (+12.8%) and relative (+9.4%) SOL muscle weights were higher in the light phase-trained group. p70S6K phosphorylation ratio was 42.6% higher in the SOL muscle of rats that had exercised only in light (non-trained ZT6). Collectively, the degree of muscle hypertrophy in SOL is time-of-day dependent, perhaps via the mTOR/p70S6K signaling.

Keywords: light phase; sol muscle; muscle; rat soleus; exercise

Journal Title: PLoS ONE
Year Published: 2022

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