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Sweetpotato-based infant foods produce porridge with lower viscosity and aflatoxin level than cereal-based complementary blends

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The viscosity, protein, and total aflatoxins contents in orange-fleshed sweetpotato (OFSP) and cereal-based commercial complementary formulations and the effect of dilution on the protein content of the formulations were investigated.… Click to show full abstract

The viscosity, protein, and total aflatoxins contents in orange-fleshed sweetpotato (OFSP) and cereal-based commercial complementary formulations and the effect of dilution on the protein content of the formulations were investigated. Standard procedures were used for the determination of these parameters. Over 80% of the formulations had a viscosity above the recommended consistency of 1000–3000 cP for feeding young children. The consistency of OFSP-legume porridge was significantly (2392.5 cP; p < 0.001) lower, about 1.7 and 3.4 times than cereal-only and cereal-legume blends, respectively. All the complementary flours, except the cereal-only, met the proposed protein requirement of 6 to 11 g per 100 g for feeding children aged 6 to 23 months on an as-is basis. However, the protein content in the porridges on an as-would-be-eaten basis was about 6% lower than the as-is basis value. About 38% of the complementary foods had total aflatoxin level above the acceptable limit of 10 ppb, mainly in blends containing peanuts, maize, or both. Adding more water to meet the required thickness of cereal-only and cereal-legume porridges diluted the protein content. More efforts are needed from regulatory bodies and all stakeholders to ensure complementary foods are safe in terms of mycotoxin levels, particularly those containing maize, peanut, or both as ingredients.

Keywords: cereal based; cereal; aflatoxin level; viscosity; protein content

Journal Title: PLoS ONE
Year Published: 2022

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