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Market segmentation in urban tourism: A study in Latin America

Photo by hellocolor from unsplash

This study aims to analyze the different segments of urban tourism demand. The data were collected in Mexico City, Lima, Buenos Aires, and Bogota, and a K-means clustering method was… Click to show full abstract

This study aims to analyze the different segments of urban tourism demand. The data were collected in Mexico City, Lima, Buenos Aires, and Bogota, and a K-means clustering method was used to find the segments. The results showed three segments: the first cluster grouped tourists interested in enjoying lodging and restaurant services; the second included visitors seeking multiple attractions, who were the most willing to recommend the destinations; finally, the third was composed of passive tourists, not drawn to the attractions of these cities. This study contributes to the literature by offering evidence of urban tourism segmentation in Latin American cities, which has been scarcely researched. Furthermore, it sheds light on this topic by finding a segment not previously described in the literature ("multiple attractions"). Finally, this study offers practical implications for managers of tourism companies to plan and improve the competitiveness of destinations based on the different segments found.

Keywords: urban tourism; market segmentation; study; segmentation urban; tourism

Journal Title: PLOS ONE
Year Published: 2023

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