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The path to brand loyalty in the beer market

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This research studies the path to brand loyalty in the beer market, and tests a model that integrates consumer-brand identification with the factors that are usually considered as predictors of… Click to show full abstract

This research studies the path to brand loyalty in the beer market, and tests a model that integrates consumer-brand identification with the factors that are usually considered as predictors of brand loyalty (perceived value, consumer satisfaction, and trust). For this purpose an application of structural equation modelling was used and a sample of 1,192 university students. Our findings provide several actionable insights that are discussed in the paper. The results suggest that consumer-brand identification has a crucial role in the process of brand loyalty formation. Moreover, we stress the link between perceived value and consumer satisfaction, and of the latter with customer trust, thereby contributing to the debate regarding the causal order of these constructs.

Keywords: brand; brand loyalty; beer market; loyalty beer; path brand

Journal Title: International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business
Year Published: 2017

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