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Estimates of heat kernels of non-symmetric Lévy processes

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Abstract We investigate densities of vaguely continuous convolution semigroups of probability measures on ℝd{{\mathbb{R}^{d}}}. First, we provide results that give upper estimates in a situation when the corresponding jump measure… Click to show full abstract

Abstract We investigate densities of vaguely continuous convolution semigroups of probability measures on ℝd{{\mathbb{R}^{d}}}. First, we provide results that give upper estimates in a situation when the corresponding jump measure is allowed to be highly non-symmetric. Further, we prove upper estimates of the density and its derivatives if the jump measure compares with an isotropic unimodal measure and the characteristic exponent satisfies a certain scaling condition. Lower estimates are discussed in view of a recent development in that direction, and in such a way to complement upper estimates. We apply all those results to establish precise estimates of densities of non-symmetric Lévy processes.

Keywords: non symmetric; kernels non; symmetric processes; heat kernels; upper estimates; estimates heat

Journal Title: Forum Mathematicum
Year Published: 2021

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