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Pattern of presentation of paediatric endocrine disorders in a Nigerian tertiary institution: an 11-year survey

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Abstract Objectives There is need to generate epidemiological data regarding paediatric endocrine disorders (PEDs) in sub-Saharan Africa, since little attention has been given endocrine disorders in children in this sub-region… Click to show full abstract

Abstract Objectives There is need to generate epidemiological data regarding paediatric endocrine disorders (PEDs) in sub-Saharan Africa, since little attention has been given endocrine disorders in children in this sub-region over the years. The aim of the study was to determine the sociodemographic characteristics of children with endocrine disorders in our paediatric endocrinology clinic, as well as the pattern of presentation of these disorders. Methods This study included paediatric patients who presented to the endocrine clinic over an 11-year period. Data of patients seen during the study period were retrieved from the case notes and were analyzed using SPSS version 23. Results A total of 188 patients were seen over the study period, with an almost equal male:female ratio. Five of the patients (2.7%) could not be classified into any gender because of genital ambiguity. The age of the patients at diagnosis ranged from 0 to 18 years of age with a median age of 9.03 (9.94) years. All the 14 subdivisions of paediatric endocrine disorders were documented among the patients, with thyroid disorders ranking highest among the PEDs seen. Type 1 diabetes mellitus, obesity and pubertal disorders were the most prevalent PEDs (in descending order), after thyroid disorders. Congenital hypothyroidism accounted for 14.3% of patients with thyroid disorders. Conclusions Thyroid disorders, type 1 diabetes mellitus and obesity rank highest among the PEDs in our locality. There is the need to create awareness among healthcare workers and the general public regarding these disorders, in order to improve appropriate and timely presentation of patients to the clinic.

Keywords: paediatric endocrine; pattern presentation; endocrinology; endocrine disorders

Journal Title: Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology and Metabolism
Year Published: 2022

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