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Follow Friends One Hour a Day: Limiting Time on Social Media and Muting Strangers Improves Well-Being

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Introduction: Social media use is ubiquitous among young adults, and empirical research is increasingly suggesting that how it is used and how much time is spent using it have significant… Click to show full abstract

Introduction: Social media use is ubiquitous among young adults, and empirical research is increasingly suggesting that how it is used and how much time is spent using it have significant implications for psychological well-being and mental health. Most recent studies find that limiting but not eliminating social media has beneficial effects. Correlational findings suggest that following actual friends is beneficial, while following strangers can be harmful. Method: This study sought to test the impact of limiting time spent on social media as well as “muting” strangers on Instagram and eliminating TikTok use in an experimental paradigm. Results: Replicating prior studies, we found that limiting social media use to 60 minutes per day (versus unlimited use) led to reductions in depression, F(1,96) = 5.84, p = .018, for the most depressed participants. Moreover, limiting stranger content (by muting strangers on Instagram and eliminating TikTok use), in addition to limiting time, led to significant reductions in fear of missing out, F(2,138) = 4.806, p = .01, for the most depressed participants and to significant reductions in social comparison, F(2,138) = 4.367, p = .015. Discussion: In conclusion, it is not just how much time one spends on social media that matters to well-being, but how one uses that time and who one is interacting with.

Keywords: time; social media; day; follow friends; muting strangers; limiting time

Journal Title: Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology
Year Published: 2023

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