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Identification of Fire Hazards Due to Landfill Gas Generation and Emission

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Since the identifi cation of fi re hazards in landfi lls has not been suffi ciently investigated and studied, the goal of this research is to present a methodological approach… Click to show full abstract

Since the identifi cation of fi re hazards in landfi lls has not been suffi ciently investigated and studied, the goal of this research is to present a methodological approach to the issue. This paper defi nes fi re occurrence indicators, which are considered as one of the risk factors of underground and/or surface fi res in non-sanitary landfi lls. In this study, fi re hazards are identifi ed in terms of present landfi ll gas concentrations and gas well temperatures monitored by a thermal imaging camera at the nonsanitary landfi ll “Bubanj” in Niš, Serbia, which has been in service for 49 years. Landfi ll gas concentrations at the landfi ll were measured from May to October 2015. The paper also presents ambient air temperatures, which infl uence landfi ll gas and gas well temperatures, a necessary factor of landfi ll fi res. Signifi cant fi re predictors for the landfi ll body have been determined based on all the temperatures and concentrations of landfi ll gas components measured using the statistical method of logistic regression.

Keywords: fire hazards; hazards due; gas; identification fire; landfi; landfi gas

Journal Title: Polish Journal of Environmental Studies
Year Published: 2018

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