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Slc:Hartley guinea pigs frequently possess duplication of the caudal vena cava

Photo by bruncolombo from unsplash

The formation of the caudal vena cava is a complex process involving development, regression, and anastomosis. In mammals, the normal caudal vena cava runs to the right side of the… Click to show full abstract

The formation of the caudal vena cava is a complex process involving development, regression, and anastomosis. In mammals, the normal caudal vena cava runs to the right side of the abdominal aorta, while duplication of the caudal vena cava has been identified as a congenital abnormality in both companion animals and humans. The present study demonstrates that Slc:Hartley guinea pigs frequently possess asymptomatic duplicated caudal vena cava. The prevalence was 30% and 24% for males and females, respectively, with no sex-related differences. In accordance with Saad et al. (2012)’s criteria, duplicated caudal vena cava were classified into two distinct variations. The dominant variation was a complete duplication without iliac anastomosis where the left caudal vena cava continued from the left common iliac vein and joined the left renal vein; the left renal vein ran to the right to join the right caudal vena cava. The alternative variation was an incomplete duplication where the left caudal vena cava joined the right infrarenal caudal vena cava at a more cranial point than in normal cases; the renal segment was unchanged. Iliac anastomosis was not found in any cases. Duplicated caudal vena cava neither affected the body weight nor the kidney weight. In conclusion, Slc:Hartley guinea pigs frequently possess asymptomatic duplicated caudal vena cava in the absence of iliac anastomosis and appear to be a novel and useful animal model for duplicated caudal vena cava in animals and humans.

Keywords: duplication; vena cava; caudal vena; slc hartley

Journal Title: Experimental Animals
Year Published: 2019

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