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Neonatal spleen rupture, shock, and factor VII deficiency.

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Background: Severe symptomatic factor VII deficiency is a very rare condition. Spleen rupture in a neonate with factor VII deficiency is even rarer. There is only one case of hemoperitoneum… Click to show full abstract

Background: Severe symptomatic factor VII deficiency is a very rare condition. Spleen rupture in a neonate with factor VII deficiency is even rarer. There is only one case of hemoperitoneum and intracranial hemorrhage in a neonate with factor VII deficiency reported in the literature. In addition, the manifestation of hemoperitoneum by abdominal distention, abdominal tenderness, and …

Keywords: spleen rupture; vii deficiency; factor vii

Journal Title: Pediatrics
Year Published: 2018

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