INTRODUCTION A new, modern computed tomograph simulator was installed in the Oncology Department of the Markusovsky University Teaching Hospital from September 2021. The computed tomography simulator not only makes the… Click to show full abstract
INTRODUCTION A new, modern computed tomograph simulator was installed in the Oncology Department of the Markusovsky University Teaching Hospital from September 2021. The computed tomography simulator not only makes the work of specialists easier with its automatic contouring tool, but is also able to produce four-dimensional computed tomography scans. This facility is essential for radiotherapy of lung and breast cancer patients. OBJECTIVE In this paper, we briefly review lung tumors and their treatment options, focusing on radiotherapy requiring high precision. We summarize patient selection criteria, the quality assurance processes for planning and treatment, and the experience gained in treating patients. METHOD 5 patients were selected for our study. Their disease met the following criteria: 1 nodule, tumor diameter not exceeding 5 cm, patient was inoperable or negated surgery. The planning computed tomography scan was performed with Siemens Somatom go.Sim. At each respiratory phase, the tumor conturs were drawn and then aggregated as an integrated volume and an irradiation plan was prepared on this image. The treatments were performed on a Varian TrueBeam accelerator. RESULTS Before each treatment, an adjusting CT scan was taken. The higher dose (4 × 12 Gy) treatment caused a reduction in tumor size on the last adjustment scan. DISCUSSION Stereotaxic treatment, which is already available in Szombathely, may be a good alternative in the treatment of patients with inoperable lung cancer. The method is not burdensome for patients: fewer sessions, short treatment time. CONCLUSION In the future, we would like to improve the accelerator with a breath capture system, which will allow even more precise treatment. Orv Hetil. 2022; 163(52): 2079-2087.
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