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Forest visitors' opinions on the importance of forest operations, forest functions and sources of their financing.

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The survey was conducted in three selected areas of the Czech Republic in 2008, with the results processed in 2009. Forests visitors received inquiry forms (face to face interviews, random… Click to show full abstract

The survey was conducted in three selected areas of the Czech Republic in 2008, with the results processed in 2009. Forests visitors received inquiry forms (face to face interviews, random sample). The total number of visitors on 8 survey days was 7,369. The total number of filled-in questionnaires in the three areas was 1,122. Tree planting and tree protection are considered as the most important forest operations, followed by road and stream bank maintenance. On the contrary, timber transport and harvesting are considered as the least important activities. The nature-protecting function is considered as the most important forest function, followed by soil-conservation, climatic, hydrological and health (recreational) functions. Timber production and non-timber production are the least important functions according to the respondents. 20% of respondents claimed that increased costs needed to improve non-market forest functions, used by the visitors, should be partially or fully financed from the timber sales revenues, while only 6.5% of respondents say the costs should be partially or fully financed from payments by the users of forest functions.

Keywords: forest operations; forest functions; opinions importance; forest visitors; importance forest; visitors opinions

Journal Title: Journal of forest science
Year Published: 2018

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