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and thus more convenient setting can be used. As algebraically the properties of , , xx yx zx ň ň ň coincide we can consider these as the coefficient of… Click to show full abstract

and thus more convenient setting can be used. As algebraically the properties of , , xx yx zx ň ň ň coincide we can consider these as the coefficient of one element only and thus we can work in the dual numbers algebra, see [Hrdina 2014]. Note that this simplification brings minor complications, particularly the number of remaining terms increases, but, on the other hand, the question of the geometric interpretation of these higher order error terms is also interesting. For instance, one can distinguish the rotation error w.r.t. the x and y axis while translating along the axis x . Let us recall the definition of the dual numbers. It is a set { | , } a b a b     D (3) endowed with the operations summation and multiplication

Keywords: arithmetic multi; error; numbers arithmetic; multi axis; axis machine; dual numbers

Journal Title: MM Science Journal
Year Published: 2017

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