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An Urban Energy Atlas and Engineering Model for Resilient Cities

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Received: 2 October 2019 Accepted: 10 November 2019 Increasing energy efficiency in buildings is a crucial topic, especially in those EU countries where almost 50% of the final energy consumption… Click to show full abstract

Received: 2 October 2019 Accepted: 10 November 2019 Increasing energy efficiency in buildings is a crucial topic, especially in those EU countries where almost 50% of the final energy consumption is used for space heating and cooling, of which 80% is used for buildings. This study presents a model and a tool that can be used to evaluate energy consumption and to identify retrofitting strategies and renewable energy sources with the aim of reaching energy and climate targets in order to improve energy security, competitiveness and sustainability in a territory. In a previous research, a ‘top-down engineering’ model was applied for a number of 1 km districts in the city of Turin (IT) to evaluate the residual potential of buildings that could be connected to the district heating network. In this work, the energy-use model has been improved by considering applications to urban areas of different dimensions, and an urban energy atlas for the Turin building stock has been defined with the support of a Geographical Information System. The model has been validated by comparing the results of an energy balance calculation with energy consumption data of three consecutive heating seasons over an area of about 40 km in which 500,000 inhabitants live.

Keywords: engineering model; energy; energy atlas; model; urban energy

Journal Title: International Journal of Heat and Technology
Year Published: 2019

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