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Broad Ligament Lipoleiomyoma Masses: Two curious cases masquerading as ovarian carcinomas.

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Lipoleiomyomas are an extremely rare form of uterine leiomyoma; moreover, the occurrence of this type of tumour on the broad ligament is even rarer. We report two cases of broad… Click to show full abstract

Lipoleiomyomas are an extremely rare form of uterine leiomyoma; moreover, the occurrence of this type of tumour on the broad ligament is even rarer. We report two cases of broad ligament lipoleiomyomas in 15- and 38-year-old female patients who presented to the Lok Nayak Jai Prakash Hospital in New Delhi, India, between 2016 and 2017. In both cases, the preoperative diagnosis was of a solid ovarian malignancy. Most broad ligament tumours are mistaken for ovarian masses as they are difficult to diagnose radiologically.

Keywords: ligament; masses two; two curious; ligament lipoleiomyoma; broad ligament; lipoleiomyoma masses

Journal Title: Sultan Qaboos University medical journal
Year Published: 2017

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