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Linking the World Class Manufacturing System Approach with a Waste Management

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The paper deals with the implementation of the WCM (World Class Manufacturing) model. By implementing the WCM, it is possible to reduce costs in manufacturing operations by removing elements that… Click to show full abstract

The paper deals with the implementation of the WCM (World Class Manufacturing) model. By implementing the WCM, it is possible to reduce costs in manufacturing operations by removing elements that does not bring added value, or generate losses, waste or even lead to accidents and errors. WCM as a management model includes its own methods and tools that enable the company to achieve profit and a competitive advantage based on the principle of "producing the highest quality products at low prices". The WCM model is based on four concepts to achieve zero waste, zero accidents, zero failures and zero stocks. A prerequisite for the development of the WCM model is the improvement of the company's organizational system in order to achieve a global level of competitiveness.

Keywords: management; class manufacturing; model; world class

Journal Title: TEM Journal
Year Published: 2020

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