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P-, but not E- or L-, selectin-mediated rolling adhesion persistence in hemodynamic flow diverges between metastatic and leukocytic cells

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The ability of leukocytic cells to engage selectins via rolling adhesion is critical to inflammation, but selectins are also implicated in mediating metastatic dissemination. Using a microfluidic- and flow-based cell… Click to show full abstract

The ability of leukocytic cells to engage selectins via rolling adhesion is critical to inflammation, but selectins are also implicated in mediating metastatic dissemination. Using a microfluidic- and flow-based cell adhesion chromatography experimental and analytical technique, we interrogated the cell-subtype differences in engagement and sustainment of rolling adhesion on P-, E-, and L-selectin-functionalized surfaces in physiological flow. Our results indicate that, particularly at low concentrations of P-selectin, metastatic but not leukocytic cells exhibit reduced rolling adhesion persistence, whereas both cell subtypes exhibited reduced persistence on L-selectin and high persistence on E-selectin, differences not revealed by flow cytometry analysis or reflected in the extent or velocity of rolling adhesion. Conditions under which adhesion persistence was found to be significantly reduced corresponded to those exhibiting the greatest sensitivity to a selectin-antagonist. Our results suggest that potentially therapeutically exploitable differences in metastatic and leukocytic cell subtype interactions with selectins in physiological flow are identifiable through implementation of functional assays of adhesion persistence in hemodynamic flow utilizing this integrated, flow-based cell adhesion chromatography analytical technique.

Keywords: rolling adhesion; leukocytic cells; adhesion; persistence; flow; adhesion persistence

Journal Title: Oncotarget
Year Published: 2017

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