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Dry matter production, yield and yield components of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) genotypes as influenced by zinc and iron through ferti-fortification

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A field experiment on deep black soils during rabi season of 2014-15 to study the influence of ferti-fortification on dry matter production, yield and yield components viz., number of pods… Click to show full abstract

A field experiment on deep black soils during rabi season of 2014-15 to study the influence of ferti-fortification on dry matter production, yield and yield components viz., number of pods plant-1, pod weight, 100 kernel weight and shelling percentage of groundnut genotypes. Among groundnut genotypes, ICGV-00351 recorded significantly higher pod, kernel and haulm yield (2656, 1934 and 2894 kg ha-1, respectively), dry matter production at harvest (36.54 g plant-1), number of pods plant-1 (33.66), pod weight (31.81 g plant-1), 100 kernel weight (31.59 g) and shelling percentage (72.77 %) as compared to other genotypes. Among micronutrients application, higher dry matter production at harvest (43.60 g plant-1), pod, kernel and haulm yield (2789, 2051 and 3080 kg ha-1, respectively), number of pods plant-1 (34.08), pod weight (32.25 g plant-1), 100 kernel weight (31.61 g) and shelling percentage (73.21 %) recorded with soil (25 kg ha-1) and foliar (0.5 %) application of ZnSO4 (S4) as compared to control.

Keywords: matter production; yield; plant; dry matter

Journal Title: Indian journal of agricultural research
Year Published: 2017

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