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Documentary Film ‘Survivor’ Preserved as a Disaster Record

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The Aceh Province, located in the northern island of Sumatera, Indonesia, is highly vulnerable to disasters. The experience of being struck by the devastating earthquake and tsunami on December 26,… Click to show full abstract

The Aceh Province, located in the northern island of Sumatera, Indonesia, is highly vulnerable to disasters. The experience of being struck by the devastating earthquake and tsunami on December 26, 2004 has not been communicated to the young generation of Acehnese. Hence, they need to be informed of the real and serious threats of occurrence of certain disasters. By understanding this information, the impacts of future disasters could be reduced. Preserving the live narrative of the tsunami survivors in the form of a documentary film is one of the ways of ensuring disaster preparedness, which would also be easy for the millennial generation to comprehend. The objective of this paper is to describe how oral narration was combined with visual art to create a documentary film. By capturing the life stories of tsunami survivors, it may serve as an example of community-based risk preparation through the dissemination of tsunami warnings and evacuation messages.

Keywords: film survivor; survivor preserved; preserved disaster; documentary film; film

Journal Title: Journal of disaster research
Year Published: 2021

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