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Narrative review of aplastic anemia-the importance of supportive treatment.

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Aplastic anemia (AA) is a rare, life-threatening syndrome of bone marrow failure resulted from bone marrow hypoplasia or aplasia, leading to pancytopenia (not only anemia). The most common cause is… Click to show full abstract

Aplastic anemia (AA) is a rare, life-threatening syndrome of bone marrow failure resulted from bone marrow hypoplasia or aplasia, leading to pancytopenia (not only anemia). The most common cause is an autoimmune reaction of T lymphocytes against hematopoietic stem cells or, less frequently, a congenital defect or acquired damage to these cells, which leads to inhibition of their division and differentiation. AA can develop quickly (within a few days) or slowly (several weeks or months). The signs and symptoms are related to anemia, neutropenia, and thrombocytopenia. The concepts of treatment of patients with AA have significantly evolved in recent years. This is due to improved outcomes of both family and unrelated donor hematopoietic stem cell transplantations (HSCTs) as well as to revised results of immunosuppressive therapy (IST). The choice of the method depends essentially on three factors: the severity of AA, the age of the patient, matched sibling donor. All patients diagnosed with AA require appropriate supportive treatment adapted to the current clinical situation. Supportive treatment is necessary both before, during and after invasive causal treatment, it mainly involves the transfusion of leukocyte-depleted blood components, the use of anti-infectious prophylaxis or treatment of infections. In many cases AA, supportive therapy is the only therapeutic option, especially in elderly patients with comorbidities. In this paper we present current supportive treatment in this life-threatening disease.

Keywords: aplastic anemia; review aplastic; narrative review; treatment; supportive treatment

Journal Title: Annals of palliative medicine
Year Published: 2020

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