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Matrixmetalloproteinase Inhibitors: Promising Therapeutic Targets Against Cancer.

Photo by enginakyurt from unsplash

BACKGROUND Cancer is a wide range cellular level disease that occurs when cells go through uncontrolled division and growth. The mechanisms by which the cells undergo metastasis are complex and… Click to show full abstract

BACKGROUND Cancer is a wide range cellular level disease that occurs when cells go through uncontrolled division and growth. The mechanisms by which the cells undergo metastasis are complex and involve many interactions between the tumor cells and their cellular environment. Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) have been found to over-express at various stages of tumor progression and their inhibition using MMP inhibitors has been a subject of potential therapy against cancer. OBJECTIVE This review discusses recent research in MMP inhibitors (MMPI) used for preventing tumor progression. METHODS In this review, we explored the role of MMPs in cancer progression and summarized the current developments in MMPIs, their role in cancer suppression in in vitro and in vivo studies and their evaluation in clinical trials from the current research data. RESULTS MMPIs have shown to be very successful in in vitro models, cell lines and in some in vivo studies. Unfortunately, their efficacy in clinical trials has been found to be hit and miss. Recent studies have shown that the novel delivery approaches of MMP inhibitors may enhance their therapeutic effects towards the prevention of cancer. CONCLUSION In this review, we presented different MMP inhibitors, their performance at different stages of models - in vitro, in vivo, small animal models and eventually clinical trials. We provide newer methods of MMPI delivery that may be better targeted to suppress only specific MMPs and avoid toxic side-effects in healthy cells.

Keywords: promising therapeutic; inhibitors promising; matrixmetalloproteinase inhibitors; clinical trials; cancer; mmp inhibitors

Journal Title: Current pharmaceutical design
Year Published: 2021

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