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Brain MRI in Monogenic Cerebral Small Vessel Diseases: A Practical Handbook

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Monogenic cerebral small vessel diseases are a topic of growing interest, as several genes responsible have been recently described and new sequencing techniques such as Next generation sequencing are available.… Click to show full abstract

Monogenic cerebral small vessel diseases are a topic of growing interest, as several genes responsible have been recently described and new sequencing techniques such as Next generation sequencing are available. Brain imaging is a key exam in these diseases. First, since it is often the first exam performed, an MRI is key in selecting patients for genetic testing and for interpreting Next generation sequencing reports. In addition, neuroimaging can be helpful in describing the underlying pathological mechanisms involved in cerebral small vessel disease. With this review, we aim to provide Neurologists and Stroke physicians with an up-to date overview of the current neuroimaging knowledge on monogenic small vessel diseases.

Keywords: monogenic cerebral; cerebral small; vessel; small vessel; brain; vessel diseases

Journal Title: Current Molecular Medicine
Year Published: 2021

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