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2291-PUB: Web Application for In-Depth Analysis of Oral Glucose Tolerance Test

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OGTT can be used to calculate various indexes of insulin secretion, resistance and beta cell function and to stratify the dysglycemic stage. Since calculating these indexes involves complex mathematical calculations,… Click to show full abstract

OGTT can be used to calculate various indexes of insulin secretion, resistance and beta cell function and to stratify the dysglycemic stage. Since calculating these indexes involves complex mathematical calculations, they are less commonly used. Realizing this, we created a single page web-based computer application to calculate these OGTT indexes. The values obtained during standard 75 gm, two-hour OGTT were entered in an Excel worksheet using standard formulas. This was then converted into a web-based calculator. The app can be used on all platforms and devices including smartphones. Once downloaded into a browser, the user needs to replace the default values with patient values obtained during OGTT. The app calculates and prints fasting, post glucose indexes and generates graphical charts showing the comparison between the patient and the expected normal values. It can email a copy for record and works in offline mode also. This app is in public domain and can be freely downloaded from Even though less sensitive, HOMA indexes are commonly used due to their simple formulas. This calculator makes it very easy to calculate the post-glucose indexes which help in early recognition of specific organ resistance and clinical conditions such as obesity, prediabetes, fatty liver, PCOS, gestational diabetes, T2DM. Clinicians can use this rapid and easy tool for risk stratification of dysglycemia and to assess the response to therapy. Disclosure S.N. Shinde: None. A.S. Joshi: None. R.S. Shinde: None.

Keywords: ogtt; application; web application; 2291 pub; application depth; pub web

Journal Title: Diabetes
Year Published: 2019

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