A 36-year-old Hispanic woman, gravida 6 para 6, at 31 weeks gestation of pregnancy presented with a tender nodule on her right lower leg that was stable for 2 years… Click to show full abstract
A 36-year-old Hispanic woman, gravida 6 para 6, at 31 weeks gestation of pregnancy presented with a tender nodule on her right lower leg that was stable for 2 years but enlarged during pregnancy. There was no significant past medical history or trauma to the area. Physical examination of the right medial lower leg revealed a well demarcated, dome-shaped light brown nodule measuring 10 × 15 mm (Fig. 1). There was no regional lymphadenopathy and systemic examination was unremarkable. We considered a wide differential diagnosis, including arteriovenous malformation, connective tissue neoplasms, adnexal tumors, skin cancers, and cutaneous metastatic tumors. A punch biopsy was performed. Histopathologic evaluation showed a well-circumscribed solid-cystic dermal tumor consisting of a solid sheet-like arrangement of eosinophilic, polyhedral and clear cells. The tubular and cystic structures are filled with homogeneous eosinophilic material. Atypia, invasion, necrosis, and mitoses are not observed (Figs. 2–3). Immunohistochemical studies showed tumor cells positive for cytokeratin 7 (CK7) and epithelial membrane antigen (EMA), and negative for A Nodular Hidradenoma of Atypical Location in Pregnancy
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