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Malassezia restricta-mediated Lipoperoxidation: A Novel Trigger in Dandruff

Photo by mohamad_babayan from unsplash

Dandruff is a common scalp disorder with multiple microbial and host-related factors contributing to its aetiology, including alterations in scalp sebum. Despite existing evidence that the yeast Malassezia restricta plays… Click to show full abstract

Dandruff is a common scalp disorder with multiple microbial and host-related factors contributing to its aetiology, including alterations in scalp sebum. Despite existing evidence that the yeast Malassezia restricta plays a key role in the onset of dandruff, the interplay of these factors is poorly understood. Recently, squalene monohydroperoxide and malondialdehyde were established as biomarkers of dandruff-afflicted scalp, highlighting the role of sebum lipoperoxidation in the triggering and maintenance of dandruff, although its mechanism of action is unknown. The current study provides evidence that M. restricta mediates sebum peroxidation, leading to production of squalene monohydroperoxide and malondialdehyde. Furthermore, in vitro data show that these lipoperoxidation products act on epidermal cells and alter the skin barrier. These results support the role of Malassezia restricta-induced lipoperoxides as triggers of dandruff, which suggests that blocking their production could be a novel anti-dandruff treatment approach.

Keywords: restricta; dandruff; restricta mediated; malassezia restricta; lipoperoxidation

Journal Title: Acta Dermato-Venereologica
Year Published: 2023

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