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Editorial: Biomechanical and biochemical regulation of the musculoskeletal system

are a good model for investigating the mechanisms of CAI induced by recurrent sprain injuries. Li et al. explored the biomechanical analysis of oblique-pulling manipulation in treating sacroiliac joint (SIJ)… Click to show full abstract

are a good model for investigating the mechanisms of CAI induced by recurrent sprain injuries. Li et al. explored the biomechanical analysis of oblique-pulling manipulation in treating sacroiliac joint (SIJ) dysfunction. This study showed that pubic symphysis is essential to restrict SIJ motion, and the oblique-pulling manipulation could cause a weak nutation and separation of SIJ. The study highlighted the effects of stretching and loosening of surrounding ligaments in treating SIJ dysfunction. Han et al. performed the biomechanical and clinical study of rod curvature in single-segment posterior lumbar interbody fusion. This study evaluated the effect of rod contouring on single-segment posterior lumbar interbody fusion using the fi nite element method and retrospective study. The fi ndings of the study

Keywords: regulation musculoskeletal; biochemical regulation; editorial biomechanical; biomechanical biochemical; study; musculoskeletal system

Journal Title: Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology
Year Published: 2023

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