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Bioeconomic Modeling of Hunting in a Spatially Structured System With Two Prey Species

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Although it is well known and documented that subsistence hunting in the tropics typically takes place in systems characterized by multiple prey species, and that are spatially structured, as hunting… Click to show full abstract

Although it is well known and documented that subsistence hunting in the tropics typically takes place in systems characterized by multiple prey species, and that are spatially structured, as hunting effort decreases with the distance from settlements and transportation routes, bioeconomic harvest models tend to be single-species and non-spatial. This paper presents a bioeconomic model that incorporates transport costs and handling costs, as well as two prey species, which interact by being hunted together. In particular, it focuses on how different parameters, corresponding to variability in ecological, socio-economic and technological characteristics, affect two key dependent variables related to the distance from settlements, or transportation routes, namely a) the extinction distance, i.e. the distance up to which one of the species, in some cases, becomes extirpated due to excessive hunting, and b) the no-harvest distance, i.e. the distance beyond which no hunting takes place and the species in question persists at natural levels of abundance. Model results indicate, among other things, that the extinction distance and the no-harvest distance are piecewise smooth functions, which abruptly change slope at certain parameter values.

Keywords: spatially structured; bioeconomic modeling; distance; prey species; two prey

Journal Title: Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution
Year Published: 2019

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