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Relationship Between Team Identification and Consumption Behaviors: Using a Meta-Analysis

Photo by randyfath from unsplash

The purpose of this study was to conduct a comprehensive literature review and a meta-analysis on team identification, particularly its relation to two outcome variables: intention to attend games and… Click to show full abstract

The purpose of this study was to conduct a comprehensive literature review and a meta-analysis on team identification, particularly its relation to two outcome variables: intention to attend games and intention to purchase licensed merchandise. Past literature was searched through several electronic databases, including SPORTDiscus, using relevant keywords. Thirteen studies for team identification and intention to attend sport games and nine studies for team identification and intention to purchase licensed merchandise meeting all selection criteria were identified. A random-effect model was used to conduct a meta-analysis. Funnel plot and Egger's test were conducted to test publication bias, followed by fail-safe N to examine the stability of the estimates. The results showed that the total effect size values for the relationships between team identification and intentions to attend games and to purchase licensed merchandise were 0.39 and 0.42, respectively, which indicates a medium-large effect size. The study confirms the predictive power of team identification when it pertains to sport consumption behaviors and provides insights into practical implications in utilizing team identification as a potential driver of promoting consumer behaviors by the way of achieving marketing objectives.

Keywords: identification; meta analysis; team identification; consumption behaviors

Journal Title: Frontiers in Psychology
Year Published: 2022

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