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A Disease Pathway Framework for Pain Point Identification and Elaboration of Product Requirements Across Patient Care Plan Using Innovation Think Tank Global Infrastructure

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Healthcare providers as well as medical technologists lay a strong focus on clinical conditions for patient centric care delivery. Currently, the challenges are to (1) obtain a consolidated view of… Click to show full abstract

Healthcare providers as well as medical technologists lay a strong focus on clinical conditions for patient centric care delivery. Currently, the challenges are to (1) obtain a consolidated view of various stakeholders and pain points for the entire disease lifecycle, (2) identify interdependencies between different stages of the disease, and (3) prioritize solutions based on customer needs. A structured approach is required to address clinical needs across disease care plans tailored to different geographies and ethnicities. Innovation Think Tank (ITT) teams across multiple locations formed focus groups to elaborate the pathways of 22 global diseases, selected based on ranking of associated economic burden and threat to life. Ideation sessions were held to identify pain points and find innovative solutions. Additionally, inputs were taken from co-creation sessions at universities worldwide. The optimization and design of infographics and care plan was done based on the key information gathered—facts and figures, stakeholders, pain points and solutions. Finally, validation was obtained from clinical and technology experts globally. A disease pathway framework was created to develop pathways for 22 global diseases. Over 1,500 pain points were collected and about 1,900 ideas were proposed. The approach was applied to optimize its application to 30 product and portfolio definition projects over 2 years at Siemens Healthineers, as well as co-creation programs with universities and hospitals. The disease pathway framework provides a unique foundation for extensive collaboration among multiple stakeholders, through information sharing and delivering high-quality solutions based on the identified problems and customer needs.

Keywords: pathway framework; pain points; disease pathway; care; innovation think

Journal Title: Frontiers in Public Health
Year Published: 2022

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