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Influence of Load Dynamics on Converter-Dominated Isolated Power Systems

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The operation of isolated power systems with 100% converter-based generation requires the integration of battery energy storage systems (BESS) using grid-forming-type power converters. Under these operating conditions, load dynamics influences… Click to show full abstract

The operation of isolated power systems with 100% converter-based generation requires the integration of battery energy storage systems (BESS) using grid-forming-type power converters. Under these operating conditions, load dynamics influences the network frequency and voltage following large voltage disturbances. In this sense, the inclusion of induction motor (IM) load models is required to be properly considered in BESS power converter sizing. Thus, this paper presents an extensive sensitivity analysis, demonstrating how load modeling affects the BESS power converter capacity when adopting conventional control strategies while aiming to assure the successful recovery of all IM loads following a network fault. Furthermore, this work highlights that generators with converter interfaces can actively contribute to mitigate the negative impacts resulting from IM loads following a network fault. Thereby, two distinct control strategies are proposed to be integrated in the power electronic interfaces of the available converter-based generators: one to be adopted in grid-following converters and another one suitable for grid-forming converters. The proposed control strategies provide an important contribution to consolidating insular grid codes, aiming to achieve operational scenarios accommodating 100% penetration of converter-based generation with a significative percentage of the IM load composition without resorting to a significative increase in BESS power converter sizing.

Keywords: isolated power; converter; load dynamics; power; power systems

Journal Title: Applied Sciences
Year Published: 2021

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