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Combinatorial Interpretation of Numbers in the Generalized Padovan Sequence and Some of Its Extensions

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There is ongoing research into combinatorial methods and approaches for linear and recurrent sequences. Using the notion of a board defined for the Fibonacci sequence, this work introduces the Padovan… Click to show full abstract

There is ongoing research into combinatorial methods and approaches for linear and recurrent sequences. Using the notion of a board defined for the Fibonacci sequence, this work introduces the Padovan sequence combinatorial approach. Thus, mathematical theorems are introduced that refer to the study of the Padovan combinatorial model and some of its extensions, namely Tridovan, Tetradovan and its generalization (Z-dovan). Finally, we obtained a generalization of the Padovan combinatorial model, which was the main result of this research.

Keywords: combinatorial interpretation; sequence; padovan sequence; numbers generalized; interpretation numbers; generalized padovan

Journal Title: Axioms
Year Published: 2022

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