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Diffusion-Weighted Imaging Prior to Percutaneous Sclerotherapy of Venous Malformations—Proof of Concept Study for Prediction of Clinical Outcome

Photo by jentheodore from unsplash

Prediction of response to percutaneous sclerotherapy in patients with venous malformations (VM) is currently not possible with baseline clinical or imaging characteristics. This prospective single-center study aimed to predict treatment… Click to show full abstract

Prediction of response to percutaneous sclerotherapy in patients with venous malformations (VM) is currently not possible with baseline clinical or imaging characteristics. This prospective single-center study aimed to predict treatment outcome of percutaneous sclerotherapy as measured by quality of life (QoL) by using radiomic analysis of diffusion-weighted (dw) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) before and after first percutaneous sclerotherapy. In all patients (n = 16) pre-interventional (PRE-) and delta (DELTA-) radiomic features (RF) were extracted from dw-MRI before and after first percutaneous sclerotherapy with ethanol gel or polidocanol foam, while QoL was assessed using the Toronto Extremity Salvage Score (TESS) and the 36-Item Short Form Survey (SF-36) health questionnaire. For selecting features that allow differentiation of clinical response, a stepwise dimension reduction was performed. Logistic regression models were fitted and selected PRE-/DELTA-RF were tested for their predictive value. QoL improved significantly after percutaneous sclerotherapy. While no common baseline patient characteristics were able to predict response to percutaneous sclerotherapy, the radiomics signature of VMs (independent PRE/DELTA-RF) revealed high potential for the prediction of clinical response after percutaneous sclerotherapy. This proof-of-concept study provides first evidence on the potential predictive value of (delta) radiomic analysis from diffusion-weighted MRI for Quality-of-Life outcome after percutaneous sclerotherapy in patients with venous malformations.

Keywords: sclerotherapy; diffusion weighted; prediction; venous malformations; percutaneous sclerotherapy; study

Journal Title: Diagnostics
Year Published: 2022

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