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Fire Hazards of Some Modern Solid Fuels

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Fire hazard during ship transportation of certain modern solid fuels is identified. A particular mechanism which may lead to catastrophic ship fire is discussed. A mathematical model predicting time to… Click to show full abstract

Fire hazard during ship transportation of certain modern solid fuels is identified. A particular mechanism which may lead to catastrophic ship fire is discussed. A mathematical model predicting time to such fully developed fire (flashover time) I s proposed. An analytical solution is obtained for the developed model. An important part of this solution is a closed form analytical description of the smoke filling dynamics in a closed compartment. It is demonstrated that flashover time depends on a number of parameters. The relative importance of these parameters is discussed. Particular significance is attributed to fuel soot propensity (fuel soot yield) which is an intrinsic fuel property. This parameter controls the intensity of radiative heat exchange in the compartment, and its influence on flashover time is of paramount importance. It is suggested that fuels are ranked with respect to this parameter in order to describe their relative fire hazards. This ranking should be implemented into the regulatory framework governing fuel transportation by ships.

Keywords: modern solid; fire hazards; flashover time; solid fuels

Journal Title: Energies
Year Published: 2017

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