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Influence of Blade Leading-Edge Shape on Cavitation in a Centrifugal Pump Impeller

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Cavitation is an important issue in pumps and usually starts on the blade leading-edge. For fixed blades with constant rotational speeds and specific flow rates, the incident angle, which is… Click to show full abstract

Cavitation is an important issue in pumps and usually starts on the blade leading-edge. For fixed blades with constant rotational speeds and specific flow rates, the incident angle, which is between the flow direction and the blade installing direction, on the blade leading-edge plays the key role in the cavitation process. The leading-edge shape is crucial on the local flow separation, pressure distribution, and cavitation. Hence, the influence of the leading-edge shape on cavitation has been studied in the current work in a centrifugal pump impeller. The blunt, sharp, ellipse and round leading-edge cases were compared using numerical simulation and verified by experimental data. Results show different features of cavitation. The round and ellipse leading-edge impellers have higher inception cavitation coefficient. It was caused by the sudden pressure drop on leading-edge arc or elliptical arc. The sharp and blunt leading-edge impellers have a wide flow-separation region on leading-edge with a wide low-pressure region. This is because of the sudden turn in geometry on the leading-edge corner. Cavitation grew quickly after inception and caused rapid head-drop in the sharp and blunt leading-edge impellers. Results suggest the critical cavitation performance is dominated by the leading-edge low-pressure area while the inception cavitation is mostly affected by the minimum pressure value on the leading-edge. The critical cavitation performance can be evaluated by checking the leading-edge low-pressure area. The inception cavitation can be evaluated by checking the minimum pressure value on the leading-edge. These strategies can be used in the further leading-edge designs.

Keywords: cavitation; leading edge; edge; edge shape; blade leading; pressure

Journal Title: Energies
Year Published: 2018

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