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Colorimetric Analysis and Determination of Histamine in Samples of Yellowfin Tuna (Thunnus albacares) Marketed in Sardinia (Italy) by a Combination of Rapid Screening Methods and LC-MS/MS

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The consumption of fishery products has been steadily increasing in recent decades. Among the quantitatively more important species, the yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares), is one of the main at-risk species… Click to show full abstract

The consumption of fishery products has been steadily increasing in recent decades. Among the quantitatively more important species, the yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares), is one of the main at-risk species as regards the possibility to present important levels of histamine and to be associated with the so-called “Scombroid Fish Poisoning”. The main aim of the present study was to evaluate the colorimetric parameters, the occurrence, and the quantification of histamine contamination in yellowfin tuna samples marketed in Sardinia (Italy) by a combination of rapid screening and official control methods. A total of 20 samples of yellowfin tuna loins collected from large retailers, fishmongers and local markets were analyzed for the qualitative and quantitative determination of histamine by the lateral flow test HistaSure™ Fish Rapid Test and LC-MS/MS, respectively. Moreover, all the samples were examined to assess the conformity with the EU rules on labelling and subjected to colorimetric analysis according to the CIE-L*a*b* standard. Visual inspection of yellowfin tuna labels highlighted a 30% of non-compliances. A significant (p < 0.05) difference was reported for brightness (L *), redness (a *), and yellowness (b *). The results of histamine occurrence agreed with the food safety criteria (<100 mg/kg) laid down in EC Regulation 2073/2005 in the 95% and in the 90% of the samples with the rapid screening methods and LC-MS/MS, respectively. A highly significant sessional variation (p < 0.00001) was pointed out. Moreover, the two methods showed an agreement rate of 85%. The results of the present study confirmed the utility of lateral flow tests for the fast qualitative determination of histamine in yellowfin tuna. Rapid screening test should be strengthened by comparison with the official method especially in case of uncertain or positive results.

Keywords: determination histamine; yellowfin tuna; tuna thunnus; histamine; rapid screening

Journal Title: Foods
Year Published: 2022

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