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Is Validating the Cutoff Score on Perinatal Mental Health Mood Screening Instruments, for Women and Men from Different Cultures or Languages, Really Necessary?

Photo by bruno_nascimento from unsplash

Background: The most commonly used mood screening instrument in perinatal health is the Edinburgh Depression Scale. The screen-positive cut-off score on this scale, as for others, has been determined, via… Click to show full abstract

Background: The most commonly used mood screening instrument in perinatal health is the Edinburgh Depression Scale. The screen-positive cut-off score on this scale, as for others, has been determined, via validation techniques, for over 20 languages/cultures, and for both women and men. While such validation appears to be considered essential, there are studies that could be interpreted to suggest that this is not an important consideration. Methods: Selective studies have been chosen to indicate these opposing points of view. Results: Examples of studies that support the notion of validating cut-off scores are described, as are examples of studies that appear not to support this point of view. Conclusions: (i) Clinical services and researchers need to be mindful of these opposing points of view, and openly discuss them when using screening cut-off scores for their respective populations. (ii) Researchers and Journals need to be more rigorous in ensuring this issue is correctly reported in studies, and/or openly discussed when relevant.

Keywords: health; validating cutoff; score; women men; mood screening

Journal Title: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Year Published: 2022

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