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Superior Cerebellar Atrophy: An Imaging Clue to Diagnose ITPR1-Related Disorders

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The inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate receptor type 1 (ITPR1) gene encodes an InsP3-gated calcium channel that modulates intracellular Ca2+ release and is particularly expressed in cerebellar Purkinje cells. Pathogenic variants in the… Click to show full abstract

The inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate receptor type 1 (ITPR1) gene encodes an InsP3-gated calcium channel that modulates intracellular Ca2+ release and is particularly expressed in cerebellar Purkinje cells. Pathogenic variants in the ITPR1 gene are associated with different types of autosomal dominant spinocerebellar ataxia: SCA15 (adult onset), SCA29 (early-onset), and Gillespie syndrome. Cerebellar atrophy/hypoplasia is invariably detected, but a recognizable neuroradiological pattern has not been identified yet. With the aim of describing ITPR1-related neuroimaging findings, the brain MRI of 14 patients with ITPR1 variants (11 SCA29, 1 SCA15, and 2 Gillespie) were reviewed by expert neuroradiologists. To further evaluate the role of superior vermian and hemispheric cerebellar atrophy as a clue for the diagnosis of ITPR1-related conditions, the ITPR1 gene was sequenced in 5 patients with similar MRI pattern, detecting pathogenic variants in 4 of them. Considering the whole cohort, a distinctive neuroradiological pattern consisting in superior vermian and hemispheric cerebellar atrophy was identified in 83% patients with causative ITPR1 variants, suggesting this MRI finding could represent a hallmark for ITPR1-related disorders.

Keywords: cerebellar atrophy; itpr1 related; related disorders; itpr1; clue

Journal Title: International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Year Published: 2022

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