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Tb3+ Ion Optical and Magneto-Optical Properties in the Cubic Crystals KTb3F10

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The optical and magneto-optical characteristics of KTb3F10 crystals in the transition region of 5D4 → 7F6 4f8 configurations of the Tb3+ ion at temperatures of 90 and 300 K were… Click to show full abstract

The optical and magneto-optical characteristics of KTb3F10 crystals in the transition region of 5D4 → 7F6 4f8 configurations of the Tb3+ ion at temperatures of 90 and 300 K were studied. The schemes of the optical transitions in the KTb3F10 crystals were constructed, and the energies of most of the Stark sublevels of the ground 7F6 and excited 5D4 multiplets of the Tb3+ ion split by the C4v symmetry crystal environment were determined. The presence of three- and two-doublet states in the energy spectra of the Tb3+ion multiplets 7F6 and 5D4, respectively, was established, which is in good agreement with theoretical predictions. The use of the wavefunctions of the Stark sublevels of multiplets split by a tetragonal crystal field and combining in the studied optical transition made it possible to explain some of the magnetic and magneto-optical features observed in the KTb3F10 single crystals.

Keywords: optical magneto; magneto optical; ion optical; tb3 ion; ion

Journal Title: Materials
Year Published: 2022

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