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Room-Temperature Self-Healing Conductive Elastomers for Modular Assembly as a Microfluidic Electrochemical Biosensing Platform for the Detection of Colorectal Cancer Exosomes

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Modular components for rapid assembly of microfluidics must put extra effort into solving leakage and alignment problems between individual modules. Here, we demonstrate a conductive elastomer with self-healing properties and… Click to show full abstract

Modular components for rapid assembly of microfluidics must put extra effort into solving leakage and alignment problems between individual modules. Here, we demonstrate a conductive elastomer with self-healing properties and propose a modular microfluidic component configuration system that utilizes self-healing without needing external interfaces as an alternative to the traditional chip form. Specifically, dual dynamic covalent bond crosslinks (imine and borate ester bonds) established between Polyurethane (PU) and 2-Formylbenzeneboronic acid (2-FPBA) are the key to a hard room-temperature self-healing elastomeric substrate PP (PU/2-FPBA). An MG (MXene/GO) conductive network with stable layer spacing (Al-O bonds) obtained from MXene and graphene oxide (GO) by in situ reduction of metals confers photothermal conductivity to PP. One-step liquid molding obtained a standardized modular component library of puzzle shapes from PP and MGPP (MG/PP). The exosomes were used to validate the performance of the constructed microfluidic electrochemical biosensing platform. The device has a wide detection range (50–105 particles/μL) and a low limit of detection (LOD) (42 particles/μL) (S/N = 3), providing a disposable, reusable, cost-effective, and rapid analysis platform for quantitative detection of colorectal cancer exosomes. In addition, to our knowledge, this is the first exploration of self-healing conductive elastomers for a modular microfluidic electrochemical biosensing platform.

Keywords: electrochemical biosensing; platform; self healing; detection; microfluidic electrochemical; self

Journal Title: Micromachines
Year Published: 2023

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