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On-Surface Locomotion of Particle Based Microrobots Using Magnetically Induced Oscillation

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The low Reynolds number condition presents a fundamental constraint on designing locomotive mechanisms for microscale robots. We report on the use of an oscillating magnetic field to induce on-surface translational… Click to show full abstract

The low Reynolds number condition presents a fundamental constraint on designing locomotive mechanisms for microscale robots. We report on the use of an oscillating magnetic field to induce on-surface translational motion of particle based microrobots. The particle based microrobots consist of microparticles, connected in a chain-like manner using magnetic self-assembly, where the non-rigid connections between the particles provide structural flexibility for the microrobots. Following the scallop theorem, the oscillation of flexible bodies can lead to locomotion at low Reynolds numbers, similar to the beating motion of sperm flagella. We characterized the velocity profiles of the microrobots by measuring their velocities at various oscillating frequencies. We also demonstrated the directional steering capabilities of the microrobots. This work will provide insights into the use of oscillation as a viable mode of locomotion for particle based microrobots near a surface.

Keywords: based microrobots; locomotion particle; oscillation; particle based

Journal Title: Micromachines
Year Published: 2017

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