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Electronic Structure and Lithium Diffusion in LiAl2(OH)6Cl Studied by First Principle Calculations

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First-principles calculations based on the density functional theory (DFT) were carried out to study the atomic structure and electronic structure of LiAl2(OH)6Cl, the only material in the layered double hydroxide… Click to show full abstract

First-principles calculations based on the density functional theory (DFT) were carried out to study the atomic structure and electronic structure of LiAl2(OH)6Cl, the only material in the layered double hydroxide family in which delithiation was found to occur. Ab initio molecular dynamics (AIMD) simulations were used to explore the evolution of the structure of LiAl2(OH)6Cl during a thermally induced delithiation process. The simulations show that this process occurs due to the drastic dynamics of Li+ at temperatures higher than ~450 K, in which the [Al2(OH)6] host layers remain stable up to 1100 K. The calculated large value of the Li+ diffusion coefficient D, ~3.13×10−5cm2/s, at 500 K and the high stability of the [Al2(OH)6] framework suggest a potential technical application of the partially-delithiated Li1-xAl2(OH)6Cl1-x (0 < x < 1) as a superionic conductor at high temperatures.

Keywords: electronic structure; lial2 6cl; lithium diffusion; structure lithium; structure

Journal Title: Molecules
Year Published: 2019

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