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Urban-Rural Differences in Nutritional Status and Dietary Intakes of School-Aged Children in Cambodia

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This study aimed to describe the nutritional status and dietary patterns of Cambodian school-aged children compared with those in the South East Asian Nutrition Survey (SEANUTS; Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, and… Click to show full abstract

This study aimed to describe the nutritional status and dietary patterns of Cambodian school-aged children compared with those in the South East Asian Nutrition Survey (SEANUTS; Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, and Vietnam in 2011) and to clarify the urban-rural differences using data from a nationally representative sample. The survey was conducted in 2014/2015 with a sample of 2020 children aged 6–17 years from 136 randomly selected schools. Standardized anthropometric measurements and a 1-day dietary survey by 24-h recall method were conducted. Extended analyses in the present study revealed that the difference between rural and urban areas was similar to that of the SEANUTS; the overall prevalence of stunting remained high (33.2%). Stunting was more prevalent in children living in rural areas than in those in urban areas (total: 36.4% vs. 20.4%). In contrast, the overall prevalence of overweight and obesity was not as high (3.1%), but was higher among urban children in all age groups compared with those living in rural areas (total: 6.4% vs. 2.3%). Overall, the dietary intake of children did not meet the local recommended dietary allowances, which was similar to the results of the SEANUTS and differed across urban and rural areas.

Keywords: rural differences; status dietary; urban rural; nutritional status; school aged; aged children

Journal Title: Nutrients
Year Published: 2018

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