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Cognitive Performance Before and Following Habituation to Exercise-Induced Hypohydration of 2 and 4% Body Mass in Physically Active Individuals

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We investigated the effect of repeated exposures to hypohydration upon cognitive performance. In a randomized crossover design, ten physically active adults completed two 4-week training blocks, one where they maintained… Click to show full abstract

We investigated the effect of repeated exposures to hypohydration upon cognitive performance. In a randomized crossover design, ten physically active adults completed two 4-week training blocks, one where they maintained euhydration (EUH) and the other where they were water-restricted (DEH) during walking/running at 55% V.O2max, 40 °C. Three sessions per week were performed: (1) 1 h of exercise, (2) exercise until 2% or (3) 4% of body mass has been lost or replaced. Limited to the first and fourth training week, a 12 min walking/running time-trial was completed following the 2 and 4% exercise bouts. Trail making, the Wisconsin card sort, the Stop signal task, Simple visual reaction time and Corsi block-tapping tests were performed immediately following the time-trials. Body mass loss was maintained < 1% with EUH and reached 2.7 and 4.7% with DEH following the time-trials. Except for a lower percentage of correct responses (% accuracy) during the Wisconsin card sort test (p < 0.05) with DEH compared to EUH, no statistically significant decline in cognitive performance was induced by low and moderate levels of hypohydration. Compared to week 1, no statistical differences in cognitive responses were observed after repeated exposures to hypohydration (all p > 0.05). From a practical perspective, the gains in cognitive performance following training to DEH were mostly unclear, but under certain circumstances, were greater than when EUH was maintained. Based on the battery of cognitive tests used in the current study, we conclude that whether physically active individuals are habituated or not to its effect, exercise-induced hypohydration of 2 and 4% has, in general, no or unclear impact on cognitive performance immediately following exercise. These results encourage further research in this area.

Keywords: physically active; cognitive performance; body mass; hypohydration; exercise

Journal Title: Nutrients
Year Published: 2022

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