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Study of the Genetic Expression of Antiretroviral Restriction Factors and Acute Phase Proteins in Cattle Infected with Bovine Leukemia Virus

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The goal of this study was to analyze the genetic expression of antiretroviral restriction factors (ARF) and acute phase proteins (APP), as well as their correlation with proviral and viral… Click to show full abstract

The goal of this study was to analyze the genetic expression of antiretroviral restriction factors (ARF) and acute phase proteins (APP), as well as their correlation with proviral and viral loads in cattle with aleukemic (AL) and persistent lymphocytosis (PL). Complete blood samples were collected from a herd of dairy cows, and we extracted genetic material from peripheral blood leukocytes. Absolute quantification of the expression of ARF (APOBEC-Z1, Z2, and Z3; HEXIM-1, HEXIM-2, and BST2) and APP (haptoglobin (HP), and serum amyloid A (SAA)) was performed by qPCR. Statistical significance was observed in the expression of APOBEC-Z3 in BLV-infected animals. We only found positive correlations with a strong expression of the ARF genes in the AL group. The participation of APOBEC (Z1 and Z3), HEXIM-1, and HEXIM-2 was more frequently identified in BLV-infected animals. HEXIM-2 showed active gene expression in the AL group. Although the expression of ARF in early stages of infection (AL) maintains an important participation, in late stages (PL) it seems to have little relevance.

Keywords: acute phase; antiretroviral restriction; genetic expression; expression; expression antiretroviral; restriction factors

Journal Title: Pathogens
Year Published: 2023

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