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Gibberellic Acid (GA3) Applied to Flowering Heracleum sosnowskyi Decreases Seed Viability Even If Seed Development Is Not Inhibited

Photo by qqq_saharok from unsplash

Sosnowsky’s hogweed (Heracleum sosnowskyi Manden.), an important invasive species in Eastern Europe, is a monocarpic perennial plant that propagates exclusively by seeds. Hence, interfering with seed viability could help control… Click to show full abstract

Sosnowsky’s hogweed (Heracleum sosnowskyi Manden.), an important invasive species in Eastern Europe, is a monocarpic perennial plant that propagates exclusively by seeds. Hence, interfering with seed viability could help control its spread. In the present study, we investigated the effect of exogenous GA3 (25, 100 and 150 mg/L) sprayed twice onto flowering H. sosnowskyi plants on the development of fruits (mericarps) and their ability to germinate under field conditions over the growing seasons of 2018 and 2019. Mericarps from plants sprayed with GA3 failed to develop normally. The width/length ratio of mericarps decreased by 23% to 25% after 150 mg/L GA3 application and their average weight decreased between 7% and 39% under all GA3 treatments. X-ray radiographs revealed that the internal structure was malformed, with many of the mericarps lacking well-developed seeds. Proportionally fewer well-developed mericarps were produced by GA3-treated plants than water-sprayed control plants in 2018. Seed germination assessed outdoors in seeds buried in the ground was also severely reduced (from 58% to 99% after 150 mg/L GA3 application). This indicates that exogenous GA3 sprays result in incomplete seed development and a consequent decrease in viability and germination. As the highest GA3 dose used resulted in significantly reduced propagation of Sosnowsky’s hogweed through seeds in the field, GA3 provides a promising approach to the control of the spread of this invasive weed species.

Keywords: ga3; seed viability; heracleum sosnowskyi; development; seed

Journal Title: Plants
Year Published: 2022

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