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Multiple-Traits Selection in White Guinea Yam (Dioscorea rotundata) Genotypes

Photo by timoun from unsplash

Choosing superior parents with complementary trait values for hybridization and selecting variants with desired product profiles to release as a new cultivar are important breeding activities to progress genetic improvement… Click to show full abstract

Choosing superior parents with complementary trait values for hybridization and selecting variants with desired product profiles to release as a new cultivar are important breeding activities to progress genetic improvement in crops. This study assessed the genetic potential of 36 parental lines of white Guinea yam (Dioscorea rotundata) genotypes using multi-trait index-based factor analysis and ideotype design (FAI-BLUP). The experiment utilized 36 white yam genotypes laid out in a 6 × 6 triple lattice design with three replications and phenotyped for 18 agronomic and food quality traits. Findings showed significant differences among genotypes for all assessed traits. Fifteen traits had desired genetic gains, whereas stem diameter (−1.34%), and two starch property traits ((holding strength (−26.31%) and final paste viscosity (−3.33%)) had undesired selection gain. The FAI-BLUP index provided total genetic gains of 148.91% for traits desired for increase and –29.26% for those desired for decrease. Genotypes TDr08-21-2, TDr9518544, TDr9501932, TDr8902665 and Pampars were identified as top best candidate for simultaneous improvement of the measured traits in white yam breeding. The findings indicate the effectiveness of the FAI-BLUP index in identifying and selecting genotypes.

Keywords: rotundata genotypes; guinea yam; dioscorea rotundata; yam dioscorea; white guinea

Journal Title: Plants
Year Published: 2022

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