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Some Geometric Constants Related to the Midline of Equilateral Triangles in Banach Spaces

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We will introduce some new geometric constants based on the constant H(X) proposed by Gao and the constant A2(X) proposed by M. Baronti et al. We first provide a study… Click to show full abstract

We will introduce some new geometric constants based on the constant H(X) proposed by Gao and the constant A2(X) proposed by M. Baronti et al. We first provide a study of a new constant M1(X) closely related to the midlines of equilateral triangles, including a discussion of some of its properties and the connections with other parameters of the sphere. Next, we focus on a new constant M2(X) and its generalized form M2(X,p,q), along with some of their basic properties. Finally, we concentrate on a new constant M3(X) and discuss some of its properties.

Keywords: related midline; equilateral triangles; midline equilateral; constants related; geometric constants; new constant

Journal Title: Symmetry
Year Published: 2022

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